About Us

Mission Statement

High Aspirations raises African American males’ aspirations by initiating innovative ways to improve the quality of their lives spiritually, emotionally, socially, and academically.

Our Vision

Planting an all-African American, faith-based mentoring program in the heart of the city changes the lives of African American males. These young men will be tomorrow’s leaders.
A nurturing program for African American males increases social capacity and leads to a better quality of life for all, beginning in the inner city and resonating throughout the world.

Core Values

QUALITY — Accept nothing less because African American males deserve the best.
CHALLENGE — One must know nothing in life is handed to him.
LOVE — This is how others will know who and what we are: Children of God.

Population Served

High Aspiration serves youth in Kansas City's urban core. The median family income in the Kansas City School District is $34,100, and more than 80% of all students receive free/reduced lunch. HA currently serves over 92 participants, and the majority live in single parent, female-headed households.

Community Partnership

Since its founding, High Aspirations (HA) has earned agency certification from United Way, Greater Kansas City Foundation, and Combat. The University of Kansas oversees our program evaluation.


High Aspirations’ young men have improved their GPAs by 17%. After completing high school,
HA’s young men go to college, the military, pursue a trade, or get a job. In a report from KU during 2018-2019, it revealed HA young men hovered around a 2.6 GPA range and higher. We needed more info as to why, therefore, we added a Social, Emotional, Academic and Spiritual (SEAS) report for future evaluation.

In another report from KU during COVID for 2020-2021, it revealed HA young men hover around
a 2.7 GPA range and up. In the Social, Emotional, Academic and Spiritual (SEAS) report, the mean ratings indicated relatively strong growth especially in the area of academics.

High Aspirations History

High Aspirations was founded in 2003, incorporated in 2010, and has impacted hundreds of lives. As we embark on a new journey, we are excited to share this vision and mission with you. HA remains committed to best and evidence-based practices, strategies, and approaches, in order to evolve continuously through updated and enhanced programs responsive to the needs of Kansas City’s at-risk, black male youth. Outreach and collaboration, now grown to 73+ diverse, multi-sector partners, remains essential to recruitment and retention of program participants and Mentors.

HA’s board recently approved a strategy plan that will allow HA to grow in capacity and further its mission and expand its existing program. The plan addresses strategic planning for long-term growth, measuring outcomes consistently, maximizing administrative and operational capacity and efficiencies, and growing and nurturing human capital. In the strategy plan approved by the board there are 4 stages in total mentioned where HA will reach 280 young men. At each stage HA will increase by 70 mentees, 10 mentors, 10 volunteers, 1 program spec and 1 intern per program stage.

Our Team

  • Henry W. Wash is not only the originator and Chief Executive Officer of High Aspirations, Inc (HA) founded in 2003. He is also the founder of the first Mentoring Campus for African American Males in Kansas City. Henry served as a mentor and board member from 2003 to 2013.

    He walked away from a career he mastered in freight to pursue his calling, HA full-time in 2013. Henry has over 26 years of expertise in designing, implementing, and evaluating programming for at-risk populations.

    Henry’s educational accomplishments include an Associate degree in Applied Science, Associate degree in Arts, Bachelor’s in Sociology, Minor in Black Studies, and Master of Public Administration in Urban Affairs. Henry is a National Member of Phi Theta Kappa, Alpha Kappa Delta, the International Sociology Honors Society, a Harvard Annie E. Casey Innovations in American Government award winner, has been featured as a guest lecturer at Yale University, 2023 Hall of Fame Kansas City Kansas Community College, and UMKC’s 2024 Alumni Defying the Odds Awardee.

    Henry has been seen in company with renowned celebrities including Martin Luther King III, Stedman Graham, Robin Givens, Marshall Faulk, and the real Coach Carter. He is happily married to Trina M. Wash and the proud father to Laurianna Wash.

  • Henry Wash - President/CEO & Founder

    Kristall Pruitt - Administrative Assistant

    Brian Thomas - Program Manager

    Jacob Handy - Program Manager

    Chase Bloch - Program Specialist

    Wesley Schlecta - Intern

  • Pete Clune, Chairman

    Ted Mcknight, Vice Chairman

    Dr. Tonya Gardner, Treasurer

    John Schmidt, Secretary

    Henry W. Wash, President

    Dr. Lester Blue

    Mark Brandmeyer

    Michael Carter

    Jeff Butts

    Bill Dunn, Jr.

    Sheka Mckeithen

    Dana Nelson

    Robert Sniezek

    Tyrell Wheeler, Mentors Chair

    Jacquelyn Johnson, Mothers Chair

  • Pete Clune, Chairman

    Ted McKnight, Vice Chairman

    Dr. Tonya Gardner, Treasurer

    John Schmidt, Secretary

    Henry W. Wash President

  • Dana Nelson, Chairman

    Mark Brandmeyer

    Peter Clune

    Case Dorman

    Bill Dunn, Jr.

    Terry Dunn

    Doug Heck

    Jacob Kern

    Leo Morton

    John Schmidt

    Ricco Tejeda

    Henry W. Wash

  • John Schmidt, Chairman

    Pete Clune, Chairman

    Henry W. Wash

  • Dr. Tonya Gardner, Chairman

    Stan Stark

    Robert Sniezek

    Henry W. Wash

  • Pete Clune, Chairman

    Anita Maltbia

    Jeanette Countee

    Dr. Lester Blue

    Henry W. Wash

  • Dr. Lester Blue, Chairman

    June Northern

    Tyrell Wheeler, Mentors Chair

    Jacquelyn Johnson, Mothers Chair

    Henry W. Wash

  • Sheka Mckeithen

    Damon Bryant

    Rick Butterfield

    Egil J. Enriquez-Gudiel

    Suhey Campos

    Henry W. Wash

  • Jeanette Countee

    David Gershon

    Gayle Krigel

    Anita Maltbia

    Damon Bryant

  • Henry W. Wash, President/CEO & Founder

    Kristall Pruitt, Administrative Assistant

    Brian Thomas, Program Manager

    Jacob Handy, Program Manager

    Chase Bloch, Program Specialist

    Egil J. Enriquez-Gudiel, Marketing Specialist

    Wesley Schlecta, Intern